Source code for webgeocalc.api

"""WebGeoCalc API module."""

import os

import requests

from .errors import APIError, APIResponseError, KernelSetNotFound, TooManyKernelSets
from .types import ColumnResult, KernelSetDetails, get_type
from .vars import ESA_URL, JPL_URL

[docs]class Api: """WebGeoCalc API object. Parameters ---------- url : str, optional API root URL. Use ``WGC_URL`` global environment variable if present. If not, fallback on :py:obj:`JPL_URL`: ```` """ def __init__(self, url=''): self.url = str(url) if url != '' else os.environ.get('WGC_URL', JPL_URL) self._kernel_sets = None self._meta = None def __str__(self): return self.url def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}> {self}' def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.metadata: return self.metadata[key] raise KeyError(key)
[docs] def get(self, url): """Generic GET request on the API. Parameters ---------- url: str Request url with GET method. Returns ------- list or tuple: Parsed json API response. See: :py:func:`read`. Raises ------ requests.response.HTMLError If HTML error is thrown by the API (HTML code not equal 200) Example ------- >>> API.get('/kernel-sets') [<KernelSetDetails> Solar System Kernels (id: 1), ...] """ response = requests.get(self.url + url) if response.ok: return return response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def post(self, url, payload): """Generic POST request on the API. Parameters ---------- url: str Request url with POST method. payload: dict Calculation payload data. Returns ------- list or tuple: Parsed json API response. See: :py:func:`read`. Raises ------ requests.response.HTMLError If HTML error is thrown by the API (HTML code not equal 200) Example ------- >>>'/calculation/new', payload=calculation_payload) # doctest: +SKIP ('0788aba2-d4e5-4028-9ef1-4867ad5385e0', 'COMPLETE') """ response = + url, json=payload) if response.ok: return return response.raise_for_status()
[docs] @staticmethod def read(json): """Read content from API JSON response. Parameters ---------- json: dict API JSON response Returns ------- list or tuple Parsed content of the JSON API response. If the response contents ``resultType`` and ``items`` keys, then return type will be: [`Result objects`: :obj:`webgeocalc.types.ResultType`] If response contents ``result``, then return type will be: (`Calculation id`: str, `Phase`: str) If the response contents ``columns`` and ``rows``, then return type will be: (`Columns`: [:obj:`webgeocalc.types.ColumnResult`], `Results rows`: [[int, float or str], ...]) Else an error is thrown. Raises ------ APIError If the API status is not ``OK``. APIResponseError If the format of the API response is unexpected. """ if 'status' not in json: return json if json['status'] != 'OK': raise APIError(json['error']['shortDescription']) keys = json.keys() if 'resultType' in keys and 'items' in json: dtype = get_type(json['resultType']) return [dtype(item) for item in json['items']] if 'result' in keys: phase = json['result']['phase'] if phase == 'QUEUED': phase += f' | POSITION: {json["result"]["position"]}' return json['calculationId'], phase if 'columns' in keys and 'rows' in keys: cols = [ColumnResult(col) for col in json['columns']] return cols, json['rows'] raise APIResponseError(json)
[docs] def kernel_sets(self): """Get list of all kernel sets available on the webgeocalc server. ``GET: /kernel-sets`` Returns ------- [:obj:`webgeocalc.types.KernelSetDetails`] List of kernel sets. """ if self._kernel_sets is None: self._kernel_sets = self.get('/kernel-sets') return self._kernel_sets
[docs] def kernel_set(self, kernel_set): """Get kernel set by ``caption`` name or kernel set ``id``. Parameters ---------- kernel_set: str or int Kernel set ``name`` or ``id``. Returns -------- :obj:`webgeocalc.types.KernelSetDetails` Kernel set details object. """ kernel_sets = list(filter(lambda x: kernel_set in x, self.kernel_sets())) if len(kernel_sets) == 1: return kernel_sets[0] if len(kernel_sets) > 1: raise TooManyKernelSets(kernel_set, kernel_sets) raise KernelSetNotFound(kernel_set)
[docs] def kernel_set_id(self, kernel_set): """Extract kernel set ``id`` based on ``id``, ``name`` or `object`. Parameters ---------- kernel_set: str, int or :obj:`webgeocalc.types.KernelSetDetails` Kernel sets ``name``, ``id`` or `object`. Returns ------- int Kernel set ``id``. """ if isinstance(kernel_set, int): return kernel_set if isinstance(kernel_set, str): return int(self.kernel_set(kernel_set)) if isinstance(kernel_set, KernelSetDetails): return int(kernel_set) raise TypeError(f"'kernel_set' must be a 'int', a 'str' of a 'KernelSetDetails' object:\n' + \ '>>> Type({kernel_set}) = {type(kernel_set)}")
[docs] def bodies(self, kernel_set): """Get list of bodies available in a kernel set. ``GET: /kernel-set/{kernelSetId}/bodies`` Parameters ---------- kernel_set: str, int or :obj:`webgeocalc.types.KernelSetDetails` Kernel sets ``name``, ``id`` or `object`. Returns ------- [:obj:`webgeocalc.types.BodyData`] List of bodies in the requested kernel set. """ kernel_set_id = self.kernel_set_id(kernel_set) return self.get(f'/kernel-set/{kernel_set_id}/bodies')
[docs] def frames(self, kernel_set): """Get list of frames available in a kernel set. ``GET: /kernel-set/{kernelSetId}/frames`` Parameters ---------- kernel_set: str, int or :obj:`webgeocalc.types.KernelSetDetails` Kernel sets ``name``, ``id`` or `object`. Returns ------- [:obj:`webgeocalc.types.FrameData`] List of frames in the requested kernel set. """ kernel_set_id = self.kernel_set_id(kernel_set) return self.get(f'/kernel-set/{kernel_set_id}/frames')
[docs] def instruments(self, kernel_set): """Get list of instruments available in a kernel set. ``GET: /kernel-set/{kernelSetId}/instruments`` Parameters ---------- kernel_set: str, int or :obj:`webgeocalc.types.KernelSetDetails` Kernel sets ``name``, ``id`` or `object`. Returns ------- [:obj:`webgeocalc.types.InstrumentData`] List of instruments in the requested kernel set. """ kernel_set_id = self.kernel_set_id(kernel_set) return self.get(f'/kernel-set/{kernel_set_id}/instruments')
[docs] def new_calculation(self, payload): """Starts a new calculation. ``POST: /calculation/new`` Parameters ---------- payload: dict Calculation payload. Returns ------- (str, str) Tuple of the calculation phase: ``(calculation-id, phase)`` See: :py:func:`read`. Example ------- >>> API.calculation_new(calculation_payload) # doctest: +SKIP ('0788aba2-d4e5-4028-9ef1-4867ad5385e0', 'LOADING_KERNELS') """ return'/calculation/new', payload)
[docs] def phase_calculation(self, calculation_id): """Gets the phase of a calculation. ``GET: /calculation/{id}`` Parameters ---------- calculation_id: str Calculation id. Returns ------- (str, str) Tuple of the calculation phase: ``(calculation-id, phase)`` See: :py:func:`read`. Example ------- >>> API.phase_calculation('0788aba2-d4e5-4028-9ef1-4867ad5385e0') # noqa: E501 # doctest: +SKIP ('0788aba2-d4e5-4028-9ef1-4867ad5385e0', 'COMPLETE') """ return self.get(f'/calculation/{calculation_id}')
[docs] def cancel_calculation(self, calculation_id): """Cancels a previously requested calculation, should this not be completed, or its results.. ``GET: /calculation/{id}/cancel`` Calculations that have been already ``DISPATCHED``, previously ``CANCELLED`` or that have ``EXPIRED`` cannot be cancelled, and requesting it will produce an `error`. Parameters ---------- calculation_id: str Calculation id. Returns ------- (str, str) Tuple of the calculation phase: ``(calculation-id, phase)`` See: :py:func:`read`. Example ------- >>> API.phase_calculation('0788aba2-d4e5-4028-9ef1-4867ad5385e0') # noqa: E501 # doctest: +SKIP ('0788aba2-d4e5-4028-9ef1-4867ad5385e0', 'CANCELLED') """ return self.get(f'/calculation/{calculation_id}/cancel')
[docs] def results_calculation(self, calculation_id): """Gets the results of a complete calculation. ``GET: /calculation/{id}/results`` Parameters ---------- calculation_id: str Calculation id. Returns ------- ([:obj:`webgeocalc.types.ColumnResult`], [[int, float or str], ...]) Tuple of calculation results: ``(columns, rows)`` See: :py:func:`read`. Example ------- >>> API.results_calculation('0788aba2-d4e5-4028-9ef1-4867ad5385e0') # noqa: E501 # doctest: +SKIP ([<ColumnResult> UTC calendar date, ...], [['2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000 UTC', ...], [...]]) """ return self.get(f'/calculation/{calculation_id}/results')
@property def metadata(self): """API metadata.""" if self._meta is None: self._meta = self.get('/') return dict(self._meta)
# Export default API object API = Api() JPL_API = Api(JPL_URL) ESA_API = Api(ESA_URL)