Command line interface

Some entry points are available through the command line interface to get the list of available kernels, the body objects, the frames and instruments available on the WebGeoCalc API.


For now, calculation can not be submitted directly through the command line.

Kernel sets

List all the available kernel sets:

$ wgc-kernels --all

 - Solar System Kernels: (id: 1)
 - Latest Leapseconds Kernel: (id: 2)
 - Cassini Huygens: (id: 5)
 - SPICE Class -- Binary PCK Lesson Kernels (Earth): (id: 39)

Search a kernel by name or id:

$ wgc-kernels --kernel 'Cassini Huygens'

 - Cassini Huygens: (id: 5)

$ wgc-kernels --kernel Cassini

Too many kernel sets contains 'Cassini' in their names:
 - Cassini Huygens
 - SPICE Class -- CASSINI Remote Sensing Lesson Kernels

Search multiple kernels at once (name and id can be mixed):

$ wgc-kernels --kernel 5 'Solar'

 - Cassini Huygens: (id: 5)
 - Solar System Kernels: (id: 1)


List all the bodies for a specific kernel set (by id or by name):

$ wgc-bodies 'Cassini Huygens'

 - CASSINI: (id: -82)
 - CAS: (id: -82)

Search for a specific body in a kernel set:

$ wgc-bodies 'Cassini Huygens' --name Titan

 - TITAN: (id: 606)


List and search frames for a specific kernel set:

$ wgc-frames 'Cassini Huygens' --name Titan

 - CASSINI_MIMI_PROF_TITAN: (id: -82960)
 - CASSINI_SZM_TITAN: (id: -82926)
 - IAU_TITAN: (id: 10044)
 - IAU_TITANIA: (id: 10058)


List and search instruments for a specific kernel set:

$ wgc-instruments 'Cassini Huygens' --name ISS

 - CASSINI_ISS_WAC_RAD: (id: -82369)
 - CASSINI_ISS_NAC_RAD: (id: -82368)
 - CASSINI_ISS_WAC: (id: -82361)
 - CASSINI_ISS_NAC: (id: -82360)