Source code for webgeocalc.calculation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'''Webgeocalc Calculations.'''

import time

from .api import API
from .errors import CalculationAlreadySubmitted, CalculationConflictAttr, \
    CalculationIncompatibleAttr, CalculationInvalidAttr, CalculationInvalidValue, \
    CalculationNotCompleted, CalculationRequiredAttr, CalculationTimeOut, \
from .types import KernelSetDetails

class SetterProperty(object):
    '''Setter property decorator.'''

    def __init__(self, func, doc=None):
        self.func = func
        self.__doc__ = doc if doc is not None else func.__doc__

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        return self.func(obj, value)

[docs]class Calculation(object): '''Webgeocalc calculation object. Parameters ---------- time_system: str, optional See: :py:attr:`time_system` time_format: str, optional See: :py:attr:`time_format` verbose: bool, optional Verbose calculation status during :py:func:`submit`, :py:func:`update` and :py:func:`run`. Other Parameters ---------------- calculation_type: str See: :py:attr:`calculation_type` kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`time_step_units` sclk_id: int See: :py:attr:`sclk_id` output_time_system: str See: :py:attr:`output_time_system` output_time_format: str See: :py:attr:`output_time_format` output_time_custom_format: str See: :py:attr:`output_time_custom_format` output_sclk_id: int See: :py:attr:`output_sclk_id` target: str or int See: :py:attr:`target` target_frame: str See: :py:attr:`target_frame` target_1: str See: :py:attr:`target_1` target_2: str See: :py:attr:`target_2` shape_1: str See: :py:attr:`shape_1` shape_2: str See: :py:attr:`shape_2` observer: str or int See: :py:attr:`observer` reference_frame: str or int See: :py:attr:`reference_frame` frame_1: str ot int See: :py:attr:`frame_1` frame_2: str or int See: :py:attr:`frame_2` orbiting_body: str See: :py:attr:`orbiting_body` center_body: str See: :py:attr:`center_body` aberration_correction: str See: :py:attr:`aberration_correction` state_representation: str See: :py:attr:`state_representation` time_location: str See: :py:attr:`time_location` orientation_representation: str See: :py:attr:`orientation_representation` axis_1: str See: :py:attr:`axis_1` axis_2: str See: :py:attr:`axis_2` axis_3: str See: :py:attr:`axis_3` angular_units: str See: :py:attr:`angular_units` angular_velocity_representation: str See: :py:attr:`angular_velocity_representation` angular_velocity_units: str See: :py:attr:`angular_velocity_units` coordinate_representation: str See: :py:attr:`coordinate_representation` latitude: float See: :py:attr:`latitude` longitude: float See: :py:attr:`longitude` sub_point_type: str See: :py:attr:`sub_point_type` intercept_vector_type: str See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` intercept_instrument: str or int See: :py:attr:`intercept_instrument` intercept_frame: str See: :py:attr:`intercept_frame` intercept_frame_axis: str See: :py:attr:`intercept_frame_axis` intercept_vector_x: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_x` intercept_vector_y: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_y` intercept_vector_z: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_z` intercept_vector_ra: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_ra` intercept_vector_dec: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_dec` Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`calculation_type`, :py:attr:`time_system` and :py:attr:`time_format` are not provided. CalculationRequiredAttr If neither :py:attr:`kernels` nor :py:attr:`kernel_paths` is not provided. CalculationRequiredAttr If neither :py:attr:`times` nor :py:attr:`intervals` is not provided. ''' def __init__(self, time_system='UTC', time_format='CALENDAR', verbose=True, **kwargs): # Add default parameters to kwargs kwargs['time_system'] = time_system kwargs['time_format'] = time_format # Init parameters self.params = kwargs self.__kernels = [] = None self.status = 'NOT SUBMITED' self.columns = None self.values = None self.verbose = verbose # Required parameters self._required(['calculation_type', 'time_system', 'time_format'], kwargs) if 'kernels' not in kwargs.keys() and 'kernel_paths' not in kwargs.keys(): raise CalculationRequiredAttr('kernels\' or \'kernel_paths') if 'times' not in kwargs.keys() and 'intervals' not in kwargs.keys(): raise CalculationRequiredAttr('times\' or \'intervals') # Check and set parameters for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join([ f"<{self.__class__.__name__}> Status: {self.status} (id: {})" ] + [ f' - {k}: {v}' for k, v in self.payload.items() ]) @staticmethod def _required(attrs, kwargs): # Check required arguments for required in attrs: if required not in kwargs.keys(): raise CalculationRequiredAttr(required) @property def payload(self): '''Calculation payload parameters *dict* for JSON input in WebGeoCalc format. Return ------ dict Payload keys and values. Example ------- >>> Calculation( ... kernels = 'Cassini Huygens', ... times = '2012-10-19T08:24:00.000', ... calculation_type = 'STATE_VECTOR', ... target = 'CASSINI', ... observer = 'SATURN', ... reference_frame = 'IAU_SATURN', ... aberration_correction = 'NONE', ... state_representation = 'PLANETOGRAPHIC', ... ).payload # noqa: E501 {'kernels': [{'type': 'KERNEL_SET', 'id': 5}], 'times': ['2012-10-19T08:24:00.000'], ...} ''' return {k.split('__')[-1]: v for k, v in vars(self).items() if k.startswith('_')}
[docs] def submit(self): '''Submit calculation parameters and get calculation ``id``, ``phase`` and ``progress``. Raises ------ CalculationAlreadySubmitted If the calculation was already submitted (to avoid duplicated submissions). Example ------- >>> calc.submit() # noqa: E501 # doctest: +SKIP [Calculation submit] Status: LOADING_KERNELS (id: 8750344d-645d-4e43-b159-c8d88d28aac6) >>> # doctest: +SKIP '8750344d-645d-4e43-b159-c8d88d28aac6' >>> calc.status # doctest: +SKIP 'LOADING_KERNELS' ''' if is not None: raise CalculationAlreadySubmitted(, self.status, self.progress = API.new_calculation(self.payload) if self.verbose: print(f'[Calculation submit] Status: {self.status} (id: {})')
[docs] def resubmit(self): '''Reset calculation ``id`` and re-submit the calculation. See: :py:func:`submit`. ''' = None self.submit()
[docs] def update(self): '''Update calculation status ``phase`` and ``progress``. Example ------- >>> calc.update() # noqa: E501 # doctest: +SKIP [Calculation update] Status: LOADING_KERNELS (id: 8750344d-645d-4e43-b159-c8d88d28aac6) >>> calc.update() # doctest: +SKIP [Calculation update] Status: COMPLETE (id: 8750344d-645d-4e43-b159-c8d88d28aac6) ''' if is None: self.submit() else: _, self.status, self.progress = API.status_calculation( if self.verbose: print(f'[Calculation update] Status: {self.status} (id: {})')
@property def results(self): '''Gets the results of a calculation, if its status is `COMPLETE`. Return ------ dict Calculation results as *dict* based on output columns. If multiple ``times`` or ``intervals`` are used, the value of the *dict* will be an array. See examples. Raises ------ CalculationNotCompleted If calculation status is not `COMPLETE`. Examples -------- >>> calc.results # doctest: +SKIP {'DATE': '2012-10-19 09:00:00.000000 UTC', 'DISTANCE': 764142.63776247, 'SPEED': 111.54765899, 'X': 298292.85744169, 'Y': -651606.58468976, 'Z': 265224.81187627, 'D_X_DT': -98.8032491, 'D_Y_DT': -51.73211296, 'D_Z_DT': -2.1416539, 'TIME_AT_TARGET': '2012-10-19 08:59:57.451094 UTC', 'LIGHT_TIME': 2.54890548} >>> ang_sep = AngularSeparation( ... kernel_paths = ['pds/wgc/kernels/lsk/naif0012.tls', 'pds/wgc/kernels/spk/de430.bsp'], ... times = ['2012-10-19T08:24:00.000', '2012-10-19T09:00:00.000'], ... target_1 = 'VENUS', ... target_2 = 'MERCURY', ... observer = 'SUN', ... verbose = False, ... ) # noqa: E501 >>> ang_sep.submit() # doctest: +SKIP >>> ang_sep.results # doctest: +SKIP {'DATE': ['2012-10-19 08:24:00.000000 UTC', '2012-10-19 09:00:00.000000 UTC'], 'ANGULAR_SEPARATION': [175.17072258, 175.18555938]} ''' if self.status != 'COMPLETE': raise CalculationNotCompleted(self.status) if self.columns is None or self.values is None: self.columns, self.values = API.results_calculation( if len(self.values) == 1: data = self.values[0] else: # Transpose values array data = [[row[i] for row in self.values] for i in range(len(self.columns))] return {column.outputID: value for column, value in zip(self.columns, data)}
[docs] def run(self, timeout=30, sleep=1): '''Submit, update and retrive calculation results at once. See: :py:func:`submit`, :py:func:`update` and :py:attr:`results`. Parameters ---------- timeout: int, optional Auto-update time out (in seconds). sleep: int, optional Sleep duration (in seconds) between each update. Raises ------ CalculationTimeOut If calculation reach the timeout duration. ''' if self.columns is not None and self.values is not None: return self.results for i in range(int(timeout / sleep)): self.update() if self.status == 'COMPLETE': return self.results else: time.sleep(sleep) else: raise CalculationTimeOut(timeout, sleep)
[docs] @SetterProperty def calculation_type(self, val): '''The type of calculation to perform. Parameters ---------- calculation_type: str One of the following: - STATE_VECTOR - ANGULAR_SEPARATION - ANGULAR_SIZE - SUB_OBSERVER_POINT - SUB_SOLAR_POINT - ILLUMINATION_ANGLES - SURFACE_INTERCEPT_POINT - OSCULATING_ELEMENTS - FRAME_TRANSFORMATION - TIME_CONVERSION - GF_COORDINATE_SEARCH - GF_ANGULAR_SEPARATION_SEARCH - GF_DISTANCE_SEARCH - GF_SUB_POINT_SEARCH - GF_OCCULTATION_SEARCH - GF_TARGET_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV_SEARCH - GF_SURFACE_INTERCEPT_POINT_SEARCH - GF_RAY_IN_FOV_SEARCH Note ---- This parameters will be auto-filled for specific calculation sub-classes. Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if val in CALCULATION_TYPE: self.__calculationType = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('calculation_type', val, CALCULATION_TYPE)
[docs] @SetterProperty def kernels(self, kernel_sets): '''Add kernel sets. Parameters ---------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] Kernel set(s) to be used for the calculation:: [{'type': 'KERNEL_SET', 'id': 5}, ...] ''' self.__kernels += [ self._kernel_id_obj(kernel_sets) ] if isinstance( kernel_sets, (int, str, KernelSetDetails) ) else list(map(self._kernel_id_obj, kernel_sets))
@staticmethod def _kernel_id_obj(kernel_set): # Payload kernel set object return {"type": "KERNEL_SET", "id": API.kernel_set_id(kernel_set)}
[docs] @SetterProperty def kernel_paths(self, paths): '''Add path for individual kernel paths. Parameters ---------- kernel_paths: str, [str] Kernel path(s) to be used for the calculation:: [{'type': 'KERNEL', 'path': 'pds/wgc/kernels/lsk/naif0012.tls'}, ...] ''' self.__kernels += [ self._kernel_path_obj(paths) ] if isinstance(paths, str) else list(map(self._kernel_path_obj, paths))
@staticmethod def _kernel_path_obj(server_path): # Payloaf individual kernel path object return {"type": "KERNEL", "path": server_path}
[docs] @SetterProperty def times(self, times): '''Calculation input times. Parameters ---------- times: str or [str] String or array of strings representing the time points that should be used in the calculation. Raises ------ CalculationConflictAttr Either this parameter or the py:attr:`intervals` parameter must be supplied. ''' self.__times = [times] if isinstance(times, str) else times if 'intervals' in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationConflictAttr('times', 'intervals')
[docs] @SetterProperty def intervals(self, intervals): '''Calculation input intervals. Parameters ---------- intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] An array of objects with startTime and endTime parameters, representing the time intervals used for the calculation. Warning ------- Either this parameter or the :py:attr:`times` parameter must be supplied. Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If :py:attr:intervals` input format is invalid. For example, if :py:attr:intervals` is provided an dict, ``startTime`` and ``endTime`` must be present. CalculationUndefinedAttr If this parameter is used, :py:attr:`time_step` must also be supplied. ''' if isinstance(intervals, dict): self.__intervals = [self._interval(intervals)] elif isinstance(intervals, list) and len(intervals) > 2: self.__intervals = list(map(self._interval, intervals)) elif isinstance(intervals, list) and len(intervals) == 2: if isinstance(intervals[0], str) and isinstance(intervals[1], str): self.__intervals = [self._interval(intervals)] elif isinstance(intervals[0], (dict, list)) and \ isinstance(intervals[1], (dict, list)): self.__intervals = [ self._interval(intervals[0]), self._interval(intervals[1])] else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('intervals', intervals, INTERVALS) elif isinstance(intervals, list) and len(intervals) == 1: if isinstance(intervals[0], (dict, list)): self.__intervals = [self._interval(intervals[0])] else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('intervals', intervals, INTERVALS) else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('intervals', intervals, INTERVALS) if 'time_step' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr('intervals', intervals, 'time_step')
@staticmethod def _interval(interval): # Parse interval object if not len(interval) == 2: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('interval', interval, INTERVALS[:2]) if isinstance(interval, dict): if 'startTime' in interval.keys() and 'endTime' in interval.keys(): return interval else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('interval', interval, INTERVALS[:2]) else: return {'startTime': str(interval[0]), 'endTime': str(interval[1])}
[docs] @SetterProperty def time_step(self, val): '''Time step for intervals. Parameters ---------- time_step: int Number of steps parameter used for time series or geometry finder calculations. Raises ------ CalculationConflictAttr If :py:attr:`times` attribute is supplied. CalculationUndefinedAttr If :py:attr:`time_step_units` is not supplied. ''' self.__timeStep = int(val) if 'times' in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationConflictAttr('time_step', 'times') if 'time_step_units' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr('time_step', val, 'time_step_units')
[docs] @SetterProperty def time_step_units(self, val): '''Time step units. Parameters ---------- time_step_units: str One of the following: - SECONDS - MINUTES - HOURS - DAYS - EQUAL_INTERVALS Raises ------- CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. CalculationConflictAttr If :py:attr:`times` attribute is supplied. CalculationUndefinedAttr If :py:attr:`time_step` is not supplied. ''' if val in TIME_STEP_UNITS: self.__timeStepUnit = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('time_step_units', val, TIME_STEP_UNITS) if 'times' in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationConflictAttr('time_step', 'times') if 'time_step' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr('time_step_units', val, 'time_step')
[docs] @SetterProperty def time_system(self, val): '''Time System. Parameters ---------- time_system: str One of the following: - UTC - TDB - TDT - SPACECRAFT_CLOCK Raises ------- CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. CalculationUndefinedAttr If ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK`` is selected, but :py:attr:`sclk_id` attribute is not provided. ''' if val in TIME_SYSTEM: self.__timeSystem = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('time_system', val, TIME_SYSTEM) if val == 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK' and 'sclk_id' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr('time_system', 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK', 'sclk_id')
[docs] @SetterProperty def time_format(self, val): '''Time format input. Parameters ---------- time_format: str One of the following: - CALENDAR - JULIAN - SECONDS_PAST_J2000 - SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_TICKS - SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STRING Raises ------- CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`time_system` is not provided. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If ``CALENDAR``, ``JULIAN`` or ``SECONDS_PAST_J2000`` is selected but :py:attr:`time_system` attribute is not in ``UTC``, ``TDB`` or ``TDT``, or ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STRING`` or ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_TICKS`` is selected but :py:attr:`time_system` attribute is not ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK``. ''' if val in TIME_FORMAT: self.__timeFormat = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('time_format', val, TIME_FORMAT) self._required(['time_system'], self.params) if val in ['CALENDAR', 'JULIAN', 'SECONDS_PAST_J2000'] and \ self.params['time_system'] not in ['UTC', 'TDB', 'TDT']: raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'time_format', val, 'time_system', self.params['time_system'], ['UTC', 'TDB', 'TDT']) if val in ['SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STRING', 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_TICKS'] and \ self.params['time_system'] != 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK': raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'time_format', val, 'time_system', self.params['time_system'], ['SPACECRAFT_CLOCK'])
[docs] @SetterProperty def sclk_id(self, val): '''Spacecraft clock kernel id. Parameters ---------- sclk_id: int Spacecraft clock kernel id. Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`time_system` is not provided. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`time_system` is not ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK``. ''' self.__sclkId = int(val) self._required(['time_system'], self.params) if self.params['time_system'] != 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK': raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'sclk_id', val, 'time_system', self.params['time_system'], ['SPACECRAFT_CLOCK'])
[docs] @SetterProperty def output_time_system(self, val): '''The time system for results output times. Parameters ---------- output_time_system: str One of the following: - UTC - TDB - TDT - SPACECRAFT_CLOCK Raises ------- CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. CalculationUndefinedAttr If ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK`` is selected, but :py:attr:`output_sclk_id` attribute is not provided. ''' if val in TIME_SYSTEM: self.__outputTimeSystem = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('output_time_system', val, TIME_SYSTEM) if val == 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK' and 'output_sclk_id' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr( 'output_time_system', 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK', 'output_sclk_id')
[docs] @SetterProperty def output_time_format(self, val): '''The time format for the result output times. Parameters ---------- output_time_format: str One of the following: - CALENDAR - CALENDAR_YMD - CALENDAR_DOY - JULIAN - SECONDS_PAST_J2000 - SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STRING - SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_TICKS - CUSTOM Warning ------- If ``CUSTOM`` is selected, then :py:attr:`output_time_custom_format` must also be provided. Raises ------- CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`output_time_system` is not provided. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If ``CALENDAR_YMD``, ``CALENDAR_DOY``, ``JULIAN``, ``SECONDS_PAST_J2000`` or ``CUSTOM`` is selected but :py:attr:`outputTimeSystem` is not in ``TDB``, ``TDT`` or ``UTC``, or ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STRING`` or ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_TICKS`` is selected but :py:attr:`output_time_system` is not ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK``. ''' if val in OUTPUT_TIME_FORMAT: self.__outputTimeFormat = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('output_time_format', val, OUTPUT_TIME_FORMAT) self._required(['output_time_system'], self.params) if val in ['CALENDAR', 'CALENDAR_YMD', 'CALENDAR_DOY', 'JULIAN', 'SECONDS_PAST_J2000', 'CUSTOM'] and \ self.params['output_time_system'] not in ['UTC', 'TDB', 'TDT']: raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'output_time_format', val, 'output_time_system', self.params['output_time_system'], ['UTC', 'TDB', 'TDT']) if val in ['SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STRING', 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_TICKS'] and \ self.params['output_time_system'] != 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK': raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'output_time_format', val, 'output_time_system', self.params['output_time_system'], ['SPACECRAFT_CLOCK'])
[docs] @SetterProperty def output_time_custom_format(self, val): '''A SPICE ``timout()`` format string. Parameters ---------- output_time_custom_format: str A SPICE ``timout()`` format string. Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`output_time_format` is not provided. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`output_time_format` is not ``CUSTOM``. ''' self.__outputTimeCustomFormat = val self._required(['output_time_format'], self.params) if self.params['output_time_format'] != 'CUSTOM': raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'output_time_custom_format', val, 'output_time_format', self.params['output_time_format'], ['CUSTOM'])
[docs] @SetterProperty def output_sclk_id(self, val): '''The output spacecraft clock kernel id. Parameters ---------- output_sclk_id: int Spacecraft clock kernel id. Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`output_time_system` is not provided. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`output_time_system` is not ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK``. ''' self.__outputSclkId = int(val) self._required(['output_time_system'], self.params) if self.params['output_time_system'] != 'SPACECRAFT_CLOCK': raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'output_sclk_id', val, 'output_time_system', self.params['output_time_system'], ['SPACECRAFT_CLOCK'])
[docs] @SetterProperty def target(self, val): '''Target body. Parameters ---------- target: str or int The target body ``name`` or ``id`` from :py:func:`API.bodies`. ''' self.__target = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def target_frame(self, val): '''The target body-fixed reference frame name. Parameters ---------- target_frame: str Reference frame ``name``. ''' self.__targetFrame = val
[docs] @SetterProperty def target_1(self, val): '''The target body the first body. Parameters ---------- target_1: str Target body ``name`` or ``id``. ''' self.__target1 = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def target_2(self, val): '''The target body the second body. Parameters ---------- target_2: str Target body ``name`` or ``id``. ''' self.__target2 = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def shape_1(self, val): '''The shape to use for the first body. Parameters ---------- shape_1: str One of: - POINT - SPHERE Raises ------- CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if val in SHAPE: self.__shape1 = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('shape_1', val, SHAPE)
[docs] @SetterProperty def shape_2(self, val): '''The shape to use for the second body. Parameters ---------- shape_2: str One of: - POINT - SPHERE Raises ------- CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if val in SHAPE: self.__shape2 = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('shape_2', val, SHAPE)
[docs] @SetterProperty def observer(self, val): '''The observing body. Parameters ---------- observer: str or int The oberving body ``name`` or ``id`` from :py:func:`API.bodies`. ''' self.__observer = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def reference_frame(self, val): '''The reference frame. Parameters ---------- reference_frame: str or int The reference frame ``name`` or ``id`` from :py:func:`API.frames`. ''' self.__referenceFrame = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def frame_1(self, val): '''The first reference frame. Parameters ---------- frame_1: str or int The reference frame ``name`` or ``id`` from :py:func:`API.frames`. ''' self.__frame1 = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def frame_2(self, val): '''The second reference frame. Parameters ---------- frame_2: str or int The reference frame ``name`` or ``id`` from :py:func:`API.frames`. ''' self.__frame2 = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def orbiting_body(self, val): '''The SPICE orbiting body. Parameters ---------- orbiting_body: str or int SPICE body ``name`` or ``id`` for the orbiting body. ''' self.__orbitingBody = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def center_body(self, val): ''' The SPICE body center of motion. Parameters ---------- center_body: str or int SPICE body ``name`` or ``id`` for the body that is the center of motion. ''' self.__centerBody = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def aberration_correction(self, val): '''SPICE aberration correction. Parameters ---------- aberration_correction: str The SPICE aberration correction string. One of: - NONE - LT - LT+S - CN - CN+S - XLT - XLT+S - XCN - XCN+S Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if val in ABERRATION_CORRECTION: self.__aberrationCorrection = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr( 'aberration_correction', val, ABERRATION_CORRECTION)
[docs] @SetterProperty def state_representation(self, val): '''State representation. Parameters ---------- state_representation: str One of: - RECTANGULAR - RA_DEC - LATITUDINAL (planetocentric) - PLANETODETIC - PLANETOGRAPHIC - CYLINDRICAL - SPHERICAL Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if val in STATE_REPRESENTATION: self.__stateRepresentation = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr( 'state_representation', val, STATE_REPRESENTATION)
[docs] @SetterProperty def time_location(self, val): '''The frame for the input times. Parameters ---------- time_location: str One of: - FRAME1 - FRAME2 Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. Error ----- NAIF API docs:: `Only needed if aberrationCorrection is not NONE.` Required even when :py:attr:`aberration_correction` is ``NONE``. ''' if val in TIME_LOCATION: self.__timeLocation = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('time_location', val, TIME_LOCATION)
[docs] @SetterProperty def orientation_representation(self, val): '''The representation of the result transformation. Parameters ---------- orientation_representation: str Orientation result transformation. One of: - EULER_ANGLES - ANGLE_AND_AXIS - SPICE_QUATERNION - OTHER_QUATERNION - MATRIX_ROW_BY_ROW - MATRIX_FLAGGED - MATRIX_ALL_ONE_ROW Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if val in ORIENTATION_REPRESENTATION: self.__orientationRepresentation = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr( 'orientation_representation', val, ORIENTATION_REPRESENTATION)
[docs] @SetterProperty def axis_1(self, val): '''The first axis for Euler angle rotation. Parameters ---------- axis_1: str Axis name. See: :py:func:`axis`. ''' self.__axis1 = self.axis('axis_1', val)
[docs] @SetterProperty def axis_2(self, val): '''The second axis for Euler angle rotation. Parameters ---------- axis_3: str Axis name. See: :py:func:`axis`. ''' self.__axis2 = self.axis('axis_2', val)
[docs] @SetterProperty def axis_3(self, val): '''The third axis for Euler angle rotation. Parameters ---------- axis_3: str Axis name. See: :py:func:`axis`. ''' self.__axis3 = self.axis('axis_3', val)
[docs] def axis(self, name, val): '''Axis for Euler angle rotation. Parameters ---------- name: str Axis name. One of: - X - Y - Z val: float Value on the axis. Return ------ float Value on the axis. Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the ``name`` provided is invalid. CalculationUndefinedAttr If :py:attr:`orientation_representation` is not supplied. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`orientation_representation` is not ``EULER_ANGLES``. ''' if 'orientation_representation' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr(name, val, 'orientation_representation') if self.params['orientation_representation'] != 'EULER_ANGLES': raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( name, val, 'orientation_representation', self.params['orientation_representation'], ['EULER_ANGLES']) if val in AXIS: return val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr(name, val, AXIS)
[docs] @SetterProperty def angular_units(self, val): '''The angular units. Parameters ---------- angular_units: str The angular units used for the angle of rotation. One of: - deg - rad Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. CalculationUndefinedAttr If :py:attr:`orientation_representation` is not supplied. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`orientation_representation` is not `EULER_ANGLES` or `ANGLE_AND_AXIS`. ''' if val in ANGULAR_UNITS: self.__angularUnits = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('angular_units', val, ANGULAR_UNITS) if 'orientation_representation' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr( 'angular_units', val, 'orientation_representation') if not self.params['orientation_representation'] in ['EULER_ANGLES', 'ANGLE_AND_AXIS']: raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'angular_units', val, 'orientation_representation', self.params['orientation_representation'], ['EULER_ANGLES', 'ANGLE_AND_AXIS'])
[docs] @SetterProperty def angular_velocity_representation(self, val): '''Angular velocity representation. Parameters ---------- angular_velocity_representation: str The representation of angular velocity in the output. One of: - NOT_INCLUDED - VECTOR_IN_FRAME1 - VECTOR_IN_FRAME2 - EULER_ANGLE_DERIVATIVES - MATRIX Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if val in ANGULAR_VELOCITY_REPRESENTATION: self.__angularVelocityRepresentation = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr( 'angular_velocity_representation', val, ANGULAR_VELOCITY_REPRESENTATION)
[docs] @SetterProperty def angular_velocity_units(self, val): '''The units for the angular velocity. Parameters ---------- angular_velocity_units: str One of: - deg/s - rad/s - RPM - Unitary *(ie, Unit vector)* Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. CalculationUndefinedAttr If :py:attr:`angular_velocity_representation` is not supplied. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`angular_velocity_representation` is not ``VECTOR_IN_FRAME1``, ``VECTOR_IN_FRAME2`` or ``EULER_ANGLE_DERIVATIVES`` CalculationIncompatibleAttr If ``Unitary`` selected but :py:attr:`angular_velocity_representation` is not ``VECTOR_IN_FRAME1`` or ``VECTOR_IN_FRAME2``. ''' if val in ANGULAR_VELOCITY_UNITS: self.__angularVelocityUnits = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr( 'angular_velocity_units', val, ANGULAR_VELOCITY_UNITS) if 'angular_velocity_representation' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr( 'angular_velocity_units', val, 'angular_velocity_representation') choices = ['VECTOR_IN_FRAME1', 'VECTOR_IN_FRAME2', 'EULER_ANGLE_DERIVATIVES'] if not self.params['angular_velocity_representation'] in choices: raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'angular_velocity_units', val, 'angular_velocity_representation', self.params['angular_velocity_representation'], choices) if val == 'Unitary' and not self.params['angular_velocity_representation'] in \ ['VECTOR_IN_FRAME1', 'VECTOR_IN_FRAME2']: raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'angular_velocity_units', val, 'angular_velocity_representation', self.params['angular_velocity_representation'], ['VECTOR_IN_FRAME1', 'VECTOR_IN_FRAME2'])
[docs] @SetterProperty def coordinate_representation(self, val): '''Coordinate Representation. Parameters ---------- coordinate_representation: str One of: - LATITUDINAL *(planetocentric)* - PLANETODETIC - PLANETOGRAPHIC Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if val in COORDINATE_REPRESENTATION: self.__coordinateRepresentation = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr( 'coordinate_representation', val, COORDINATE_REPRESENTATION)
[docs] @SetterProperty def latitude(self, val): '''Latitude of the surface point. Parameters ---------- latitude: float Latitude angle (in degrees). Raises ------ CalculationInvalidValue If ``latitude`` not in [-90, +90] range. ''' if val >= -90 and val <= 90: self.__latitude = val else: raise CalculationInvalidValue('latitude', val, -90, 90)
[docs] @SetterProperty def longitude(self, val): '''Longitude of the surface point. Parameters ---------- longitude: float Longitude angle (in degrees). Raises ------ CalculationInvalidValue If ``longitude`` not in [-180, +180] range. ''' if val >= -180 and val <= 180: self.__longitude = val else: raise CalculationInvalidValue('longitude', val, -180, 180)
[docs] @SetterProperty def sub_point_type(self, val): '''Sub-observer point. Parameters ---------- sub_point_type: str The method of finding the sub-observer point, as in the SPICE ``subpnt()`` API call. One of: - Near point: ellipsoid - Intercept: ellipsoid - NADIR/DSK/UNPRIORITIZED - INTERCEPT/DSK/UNPRIORITIZED Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if val in SUB_POINT_TYPE: self.__subPointType = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('sub_point_type', val, SUB_POINT_TYPE)
[docs] @SetterProperty def intercept_vector_type(self, val): '''Type of intercept vector. Parameters ---------- intercept_vector_type: str Type of vector to be used as the ray direction. One of: - INSTRUMENT_BORESIGHT *(the instrument boresight vector)* - INSTRUMENT_FOV_BOUNDARY_VECTORS *(the instrument field-of-view boundary vectors)* - REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS *(an axis of the specified reference frame)* - VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV *(a vector in the reference frame of the specified instrument)* - VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME *(a vector in the specified reference frame)* Raises ------ CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. CalculationRequiredAttr If this parameter is ``INSTRUMENT_BORESIGHT``, ``INSTRUMENT_FOV_BOUNDARY_VECTORS`` or ``VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV`` but :py:attr:`intercept_instrument` is not provided. CalculationRequiredAttr If this parameter is ``REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS`` or ``VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME`` but :py:attr:`intercept_frame` is not provided. CalculationRequiredAttr If this parameter is ``REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS`` but :py:attr:`intercept_frame_axis` is not provided. CalculationUndefinedAttr If this parameter is ``VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV`` or ``VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME`` but neither :py:attr:`intercept_vector_x`, :py:attr:`intercept_vector_y` and :py:attr:`intercept_vector_z` nor :py:attr:`intercept_vector_ra` and :py:attr:`intercept_vector_dec` are provided. ''' if val in INTERCEPT_VECTOR_TYPE: self.__interceptVectorType = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr( 'intercept_vector_type', val, INTERCEPT_VECTOR_TYPE) if val in ['INSTRUMENT_BORESIGHT', 'INSTRUMENT_FOV_BOUNDARY_VECTORS', 'VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV']: self._required(['intercept_instrument'], self.params) elif val in ['REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS', 'VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME']: self._required(['intercept_frame'], self.params) if val == 'REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS': self._required(['intercept_frame_axis'], self.params) keys = self.params.keys() if val in ['VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV', 'VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME']: if not( 'intercept_vector_x' in keys and # noqa: W504 'intercept_vector_y' in keys and # noqa: W504 'intercept_vector_z' in keys ) and not( 'intercept_vector_ra' in keys and # noqa: W504 'intercept_vector_dec' in keys ): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr( 'intercept_vector_type', val, "intercept_vector_x/y/z' or 'intercept_vector_ra/dec")
[docs] @SetterProperty def intercept_instrument(self, val): '''Intercept imnstrument. Parameters ---------- intercept_instrument: str or int The instrument ``name`` or ``id``. Raises ------ CalculationUndefinedAttr If :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is not provided. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` not in ``INSTRUMENT_BORESIGHT``, ``INSTRUMENT_FOV_BOUNDARY_VECTORS`` or ``VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV``. ''' if 'intercept_vector_type' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr( 'intercept_instrument', val, 'intercept_vector_type') choices = ['INSTRUMENT_BORESIGHT', 'INSTRUMENT_FOV_BOUNDARY_VECTORS', 'VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV'] if not self.params['intercept_vector_type'] in choices: raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'intercept_instrument', val, 'intercept_vector_type', self.params['intercept_vector_type'], choices) self.__interceptInstrument = val if isinstance(val, int) else val.upper()
[docs] @SetterProperty def intercept_frame(self, val): '''Intercept vector reference frame. Parameters ---------- intercept_frame: str The vector's reference frame ``name``. Raises ------ CalculationUndefinedAttr If :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is not provided. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is not in ``REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS`` or ``VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME``. ''' if 'intercept_vector_type' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr( 'intercept_frame', val, 'intercept_vector_type') choices = ['REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS', 'VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME'] if not self.params['intercept_vector_type'] in choices: raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'intercept_frame', val, 'intercept_vector_type', self.params['intercept_vector_type'], choices) self.__interceptFrame = val
[docs] @SetterProperty def intercept_frame_axis(self, val): '''The vector's reference frame axis name. Parameters ---------- intercept_frame: str The vector's reference frame axis. One of: - X - Y - Z Raises ------ CalculationUndefinedAttr If :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is not provided. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is not ``REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS``. CalculationInvalidAttr If the value provided is invalid. ''' if 'intercept_vector_type' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr( 'intercept_frame_axis', val, 'intercept_vector_type') if self.params['intercept_vector_type'] != 'REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS': raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'intercept_frame_axis', val, 'intercept_vector_type', self.params['intercept_vector_type'], ['REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS']) if val in AXIS: self.__interceptFrameAxis = val else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('intercept_frame_axis', val, AXIS)
[docs] def intercept_vector(self, axis, val): '''Intercept vector coordinate. Parameters ---------- axis: str Axis name. val: float Value on the axis. Raises ------ CalculationUndefinedAttr If :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is not provided. CalculationIncompatibleAttr If :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is not in ``VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV`` or ``VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME``. ''' if 'intercept_vector_type' not in self.params.keys(): raise CalculationUndefinedAttr( 'intercept_vector_' + axis, val, 'intercept_vector_type') choices = ['VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV', 'VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME'] if not self.params['intercept_vector_type'] in choices: raise CalculationIncompatibleAttr( 'intercept_vector_' + axis, val, 'intercept_vector_type', self.params['intercept_vector_type'], choices) return val
[docs] @SetterProperty def intercept_vector_x(self, val): '''The X intercept vector coordinate. Parameters ---------- intercept_vector_x: float Intercept x-coordinate. See :py:func:`intercept_vector`. ''' self.__interceptVectorX = self.intercept_vector('x', val)
[docs] @SetterProperty def intercept_vector_y(self, val): '''The Y intercept vector coordinate. Parameters ---------- intercept_vector_y: float Intercept y-coordinate. See :py:func:`intercept_vector`. ''' self.__interceptVectorY = self.intercept_vector('y', val)
[docs] @SetterProperty def intercept_vector_z(self, val): '''The Z intercept vector coordinate. Parameters ---------- intercept_vector_z: float Intercept z-coordinate. See :py:func:`intercept_vector`. ''' self.__interceptVectorZ = self.intercept_vector('z', val)
[docs] @SetterProperty def intercept_vector_ra(self, val): '''The right-ascenssion intercept vector coordinate. Parameters ---------- intercept_vector_ra: float Intercept RA-coordinate. See :py:func:`intercept_vector`. ''' self.__interceptVectorRA = self.intercept_vector('ra', val)
[docs] @SetterProperty def intercept_vector_dec(self, val): '''The declination intercept vector coordinate. Parameters ---------- intercept_vector_dec: float Intercept DEC-coordinate. See :py:func:`intercept_vector`. ''' self.__interceptVectorDec = self.intercept_vector('dec', val)
[docs]class StateVector(Calculation): '''State vector calculation. Calculates the position of one body relative to another, calculated in a desired reference frame. Parameters ---------- aberration_correction: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` state_representation: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.state_representation` Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` target: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target` observer: str or int See: :py:attr:`.observer` reference_frame: str or int See: :py:attr:`.reference_frame` Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`.target`, :py:attr:`.observer` and :py:attr:`.reference_frame` are not provided. ''' def __init__(self, aberration_correction='CN', state_representation='RECTANGULAR', **kwargs): self._required(['target', 'observer', 'reference_frame'], kwargs) kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'STATE_VECTOR' kwargs['aberration_correction'] = aberration_correction kwargs['state_representation'] = state_representation super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class AngularSeparation(Calculation): '''Angular separation calculation. Calculates the angular separation of two bodies as seen by an observer body. Parameters ---------- shape_1: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.shape_1` shape_2: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.shape_2` aberration_correction: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` target_1: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target_1` target_2: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target_2` observer: str or int See: :py:attr:`.observer` Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`.target_1`, :py:attr:`.target_2` and :py:attr:`.observer` are not provided. ''' def __init__(self, shape_1='POINT', shape_2='POINT', aberration_correction='CN', **kwargs): self._required(['target_1', 'target_2', 'observer'], kwargs) kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'ANGULAR_SEPARATION' kwargs['shape_1'] = shape_1 kwargs['shape_2'] = shape_2 kwargs['aberration_correction'] = aberration_correction super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class AngularSize(Calculation): '''Angular size calculation. Calculates the angular size of a target as seen by an observer. Parameters ---------- aberration_correction: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` target: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target` observer: str or int See: :py:attr:`.observer` Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`.target` and :py:attr:`.observer` are not provided. ''' def __init__(self, aberration_correction='CN', **kwargs): self._required(['target', 'observer'], kwargs) kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'ANGULAR_SIZE' kwargs['aberration_correction'] = aberration_correction super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class FrameTransformation(Calculation): '''Frame transforme calculation. Calculate the transformation from one reference frame (Frame 1) to another reference frame (Frame 2). Parameters ---------- aberration_correction: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` time_location: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.time_location` orientation_representation: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.orientation_representation` axis_1: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.axis_1` axis_2: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.axis_2` axis_3: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.axis_3` angular_units: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.angular_units` angular_velocity_representation: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.angular_velocity_representation` angular_velocity_units: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.angular_velocity_units` Warning ------- Attribute :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` must be ``NONE``, `LT``, ``CN``, ``XLT`` or ``XCN``. Attributes :py:attr:`.axis_1`, :py:attr:`.axis_2` and :py:attr:`.axis_3` are imported only if :py:attr:`.orientation_representation` is ``EULER_ANGLES``. Attribute :py:attr:`.angular_units` is imported only if :py:attr:`.orientation_representation` is ``EULER_ANGLES`` or ``ANGLE_AND_AXIS``. Attribute :py:attr:`.angular_velocity_units` is imported only if :py:attr:`.angular_velocity_representation` is ``VECTOR_IN_FRAME1``, ``VECTOR_IN_FRAME2`` or ``EULER_ANGLE_DERIVATIVES``. Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` frame_1: str or int See: :py:attr:`.frame_1` frame_2: str or int See: :py:attr:`.frame_2` Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`.frame_1` and :py:attr:`.frame_2` are not provided. CalculationInvalidAttr If :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` is in ``LT+S``, ``CN+S``, ``XLT+S`` or ``XCN+S``. ''' def __init__(self, aberration_correction='CN', time_location='FRAME1', orientation_representation='EULER_ANGLES', axis_1='X', axis_2='Y', axis_3='Z', angular_units='deg', angular_velocity_representation='VECTOR_IN_FRAME1', angular_velocity_units='deg/s', **kwargs): self._required(['frame_1', 'frame_2'], kwargs) aberration_correction_allowed = list(filter( lambda x: '+S' not in x, ABERRATION_CORRECTION)) if aberration_correction not in aberration_correction_allowed: raise CalculationInvalidAttr( 'aberration_correction', aberration_correction, aberration_correction_allowed) kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'FRAME_TRANSFORMATION' kwargs['aberration_correction'] = aberration_correction kwargs['time_location'] = time_location kwargs['orientation_representation'] = orientation_representation kwargs['angular_velocity_representation'] = angular_velocity_representation if orientation_representation == 'EULER_ANGLES': kwargs['axis_1'] = axis_1 kwargs['axis_2'] = axis_2 kwargs['axis_3'] = axis_3 if orientation_representation in ['EULER_ANGLES', 'ANGLE_AND_AXIS']: kwargs['angular_units'] = angular_units if angular_velocity_representation in ['VECTOR_IN_FRAME1', 'VECTOR_IN_FRAME2', 'EULER_ANGLE_DERIVATIVES']: kwargs['angular_velocity_units'] = angular_velocity_units super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class IlluminationAngles(Calculation): '''Illumination angles calculation. Calculate the emission, phase and solar incidence angles at a point on a target as seen from an observer. Parameters ---------- shape_1: str, optional See: :py:attr:`shape_1` coordinate_representation: str, optional See: :py:attr:`coordinate_representation` aberration_correction: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` target: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target` target_frame: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target_frame` observer: str or int See: :py:attr:`.observer` latitude: str or int See: :py:attr:`.latitude` longitude: str or int See: :py:attr:`.longitude` Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`.target`, :py:attr:`.target_frame`, :py:attr:`.observer`, :py:attr:`.latitude` and :py:attr:`.longitude` are not provided. CalculationInvalidAttr If :py:attr:`.shape_1` is not ``ELLIPSOID`` or ``DSK``. ''' def __init__(self, shape_1='ELLIPSOID', coordinate_representation='LATITUDINAL', aberration_correction='CN', **kwargs): self._required(['target', 'target_frame', 'observer', 'latitude', 'longitude'], kwargs) kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'ILLUMINATION_ANGLES' kwargs['coordinate_representation'] = coordinate_representation kwargs['aberration_correction'] = aberration_correction if shape_1 in ['ELLIPSOID', 'DSK']: kwargs['shape_1'] = shape_1 else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('shape_1', shape_1, ['ELLIPSOID', 'DSK']) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class SubSolarPoint(Calculation): '''Sub-solar point calculation. Calculates the sub-solar point on a target as seen from an observer. Parameters ---------- sub_point_type: str, optional See: :py:attr:`sub_point_type` aberration_correction: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` state_representation: str, optional See: :py:attr:`state_representation` Warning ------- Attribute :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` must be ``NONE``, `LT``, ``LT+S``, ``CN`` or ``CN+S``. Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` target: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target` target_frame: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target_frame` observer: str or int See: :py:attr:`.observer` Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`.target`, :py:attr:`.target_frame` and :py:attr:`.observer` are not provided. CalculationInvalidAttr If :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` is in ``XLT``, ``XLT+S``, ``XCN+S`` or ``XCN+S``. ''' def __init__(self, sub_point_type='Near point: ellipsoid', aberration_correction='CN', state_representation='RECTANGULAR', **kwargs): self._required(['target', 'target_frame', 'observer'], kwargs) aberration_correction_allowed = list(filter( lambda x: 'X' not in x, ABERRATION_CORRECTION)) if aberration_correction not in aberration_correction_allowed: raise CalculationInvalidAttr( 'aberration_correction', aberration_correction, aberration_correction_allowed) kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'SUB_SOLAR_POINT' kwargs['sub_point_type'] = sub_point_type kwargs['aberration_correction'] = aberration_correction kwargs['state_representation'] = state_representation super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class SubObserverPoint(Calculation): '''Sub-observer point calculation. Calculate the sub-observer point on a target as seen from an observer. Parameters ---------- sub_point_type: str, optional See: :py:attr:`sub_point_type` aberration_correction: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` state_representation: str, optional See: :py:attr:`state_representation` Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` target: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target` target_frame: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target_frame` observer: str or int See: :py:attr:`.observer` Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`.target`, :py:attr:`.target_frame` and :py:attr:`.observer` are not provided. ''' def __init__(self, sub_point_type='Near point: ellipsoid', aberration_correction='CN', state_representation='RECTANGULAR', **kwargs): self._required(['target', 'target_frame', 'observer'], kwargs) kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'SUB_OBSERVER_POINT' kwargs['sub_point_type'] = sub_point_type kwargs['aberration_correction'] = aberration_correction kwargs['state_representation'] = state_representation super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class SurfaceInterceptPoint(Calculation): '''Surface intercept point calculation. Calculate the intercept point of a vector or vectors on a target as seen from an observer. Parameters ---------- shape_1: str, optional See: :py:attr:`shape_1` intercept_vector_type: str, optional See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` aberration_correction: str, optional See: :py:attr:`.aberration_correction` state_representation: str, optional See: :py:attr:`state_representation` Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` target: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target` target_frame: str or int See: :py:attr:`.target_frame` observer: str or int See: :py:attr:`.observer` intercept_instrument: str or int See: :py:attr:`intercept_instrument` intercept_frame: str See: :py:attr:`intercept_frame` intercept_frame_axis: str See: :py:attr:`intercept_frame_axis` intercept_vector_x: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_x` intercept_vector_y: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_y` intercept_vector_z: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_z` intercept_vector_ra: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_ra` intercept_vector_dec: float See: :py:attr:`intercept_vector_dec` Warnings -------- Attributes :py:attr:`.intercept_instrument` is needed only if :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is ``INSTRUMENT_BORESIGHT``, ``INSTRUMENT_FOV_BOUNDARY_VECTORS`` or ``VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV``. Attributes :py:attr:`.intercept_frame` is needed only if :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is ``REFERENCE_FRAME_AXIS`` or ``VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME``. Attributes :py:attr:`.intercept_vector_x` + :py:attr:`.intercept_vector_y` + :py:attr:`.intercept_vector_z` or :py:attr:`.intercept_vector_ra` + :py:attr:`.intercept_vector_dec` is needed only if :py:attr:`intercept_vector_type` is ``VECTOR_IN_INSTRUMENT_FOV`` or ``VECTOR_IN_REFERENCE_FRAME``. Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`.target`, :py:attr:`.target_frame` and :py:attr:`.observer` are not provided. CalculationInvalidAttr If :py:attr:`.shape_1` is not ``ELLIPSOID`` or ``DSK``. ''' def __init__(self, shape_1='ELLIPSOID', intercept_vector_type='INSTRUMENT_BORESIGHT', aberration_correction='CN', state_representation='RECTANGULAR', **kwargs): self._required(['target', 'target_frame', 'observer'], kwargs) kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'SURFACE_INTERCEPT_POINT' kwargs['intercept_vector_type'] = intercept_vector_type kwargs['aberration_correction'] = aberration_correction kwargs['state_representation'] = state_representation if shape_1 in ['ELLIPSOID', 'DSK']: kwargs['shape_1'] = shape_1 else: raise CalculationInvalidAttr('shape_1', shape_1, ['ELLIPSOID', 'DSK']) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class OsculatingElements(Calculation): '''Osculating elements calculation. Calculate the osculating elements of the orbit of a target body around a central body. The orbit may be elliptical, parabolic, or hyperbolic. Parameters ---------- reference_frame: str, optional See: :py:attr:`reference_frame` Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` orbiting_body: str or int See: :py:attr:`.orbiting_body` center_body: str or int See: :py:attr:`.center_body` Raises ------ CalculationRequiredAttr If :py:attr:`.orbiting_body` and :py:attr:`.center_body` are not provided. ''' def __init__(self, reference_frame='J2000', **kwargs): self._required(['orbiting_body', 'center_body'], kwargs) kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'OSCULATING_ELEMENTS' kwargs['reference_frame'] = reference_frame super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class TimeConversion(Calculation): '''Time conversion calculation. Convert times from one time system or format to another. Parameters ---------- output_time_system: str, optional See: :py:attr:`output_time_system` output_time_format: str, optional See: :py:attr:`output_time_format` Other Parameters ---------------- kernels: str, int, [str or/and int] See: :py:attr:`.kernels` kernel_paths: str, [str] See: :py:attr:`.kernel_paths` times: str or [str] See: :py:attr:`.times` intervals: [str, str] or {'startTime': str, 'endTime': str} or [interval, ...] See: :py:attr:`.intervals` time_step: int See: :py:attr:`.time_step` time_step_units: str See: :py:attr:`.time_step_units` time_system: str See: :py:attr:`.time_system` time_format: str See: :py:attr:`.time_format` output_sclk_id: str See: :py:attr:`output_sclk_id` output_time_custom_format: str See: :py:attr:`output_time_custom_format` Warnings -------- Attributes :py:attr:`.output_sclk_id` is needed only if :py:attr:`output_time_system` is ``SPACECRAFT_CLOCK``. Attributes :py:attr:`.output_time_custom_format` is needed only if :py:attr:`output_time_format` is ``CUSTOM``. ''' def __init__(self, output_time_system='UTC', output_time_format='CALENDAR', **kwargs): kwargs['calculation_type'] = 'TIME_CONVERSION' kwargs['output_time_system'] = output_time_system kwargs['output_time_format'] = output_time_format super().__init__(**kwargs)